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The Clearing

Pineapple Street Studios / Gimlet

The Clearing

A weekly Gimlet Media, History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Josh Dean and April Balascio
 48 people rated this podcast
The Clearing

Pineapple Street Studios / Gimlet

The Clearing

The Clearing

Pineapple Street Studios / Gimlet

The Clearing

A weekly Gimlet Media, History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Josh Dean and April Balascio
 48 people rated this podcast
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Great story.
Excellent podcast. It's always amazing how a psychopath can have a family, live a seemingly normal life and be a killer.
This was the very first podcast that I listened to. I have listened to dozens of true crime podcast since then but this is still my favorite! It’s unimaginable what April Balascio came to learn about her father and her courage in finding the truth. A lot of the story is told by her which made it that much better. Josh Dean may be the best host I have heard in a podcast.
An interesting journey of self-discovery and a journey into understanding the depths of a killer. Dragged in parts and is a little forgettable as time moves on.
Interesting story. But ultimately a whole lot of build up for no real pay off at the end. I’m sure they all wish they were able to figure more out as well.
What an interesting and well told true crime story! I´m really addicted, and though there are a lot of side storys, all of them are equally well told and important. Well done.
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