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A weekly Gimlet Media, News and Society podcast featuring Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier
 62 people rated this podcast






A weekly Gimlet Media, News and Society podcast featuring Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier
 62 people rated this podcast
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Season 1:Great show, great research, and an extremely gripping topic.There is minimal subjectivity and a whole lot of facts! I felt like their interviews caused real damage though, especially when one of the people they interviewed, who had been on the straight and narrow for years, regressed and killed people during a final heist in his senior years. That's incredibly sad and reminded me that this story isn't just entertainment, it's the story of actual people. While they did a great job covering the downsides to crime they seem to romantacise it just enough to cause real damage in the real world for the sake of the listeners.- For season 2. I strongly disliked season two because they threw all of that out the window and told a very biased story without presenting facts from both sides. They clearly took a side and claimed to be a neutral third party. It almost feels like a completely different podcast and I don't like it at all.
Love this show. Had no idea of the history of organized crime in Providence. Can't wait to see what city they do next.
A series of true crime stories presented brilliantly.
This is a good, well-researched and well-produced podcast. Sometimes feels slightly contrived, but on the whole, a genuinely interesting journey and insight into mob life.
Excellent first season exploring the New England mob. From the producers of The Jinx, you get more crimes told in gripping detail with some of the participants who occasionally refuse to self incriminate. Fascinating work.
5 stars for the first season; wasn't able to find Season 2 for free.
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