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How should we protect marine ecosystems? We examine the science behind Marine Protected Areas and find out how a new way could protect the oceans around the world and and we was talking with the experts about this phenomenon make people aware of how important it is to be responsible with our oceans to take care of them since all our beautiful nature inhabits it, share this podcast with your friends so that other people enjoy this episode. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Want to learn about how learning philosophy can alter the way we think and view the world? Well, you've come to the right place! | -- Ratings | ||||
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Wie steht es bei dir mit deiner Verbindung zu dir selbst, deiner Seele, deinem Körper und deinem Glück? Kennst du die wertvollen Hilfen die jeden Tag um dich herum wachsen, erscheinen und parat stehen um dich zu unterstützen in From von Heilkräutern, Impulsgeber oder Ratgeber? Wenn du jetzt deinen Kopf schüttelst ist das der richtige Podcast für dich. Hier erfährst du mit Liebe, Spaß und Hingabe wie du es schaffst zurückzufinden zu dir selbst und Mutter Natur. Du wirst inspiriert von mehreren Kulturen die seit Jahrtausenden verbunden sind mit sich und ihrer Natur. Ich nehme dich mit auf meine Reisen von der Wüste über Indien in die USA und meinen Weg um selbst wieder anzukommen bei meinen Wurzeln und in meiner Freiheit tief verbunden mit mir und Mutter Natur. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Each week, hosts Michelle Ray & Kenny Hitt explore the latest news from the world of technology, media, computing, security and economic innovation. From big hacks to 3D printers to cord-cutting, new inventions, retro tech and much, much more. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Laughematics is a conversational podcast instructive toward the collaborative and creative nature of the mathematical sciences. We seek to dispel the myth that modern mathematics is an arcane web of incomprehensible deep magic practiced by a handful of isolated prodigies. | 0 Ratings | ||||
This unconventional and interdisciplinary course focuses on societies' efforts to assess and manage health, safety and environmental risks. As more and more citizens come to reap the benefits of open trade on a global scale, as well as extended lifespan and high quality of life, they also seem to expect public authorities to deliver more protection against those threats, whether industrial or natural. Amid contemporary preoccupations with risks, managing threats to society has become one of the central tasks of governments and often involves private companies. Due to their inherent global dimension, risks today call for global governance solutions. Yet, risks are culturally constructed, socially contested, and differently perceived not only across societies but also across time and space. This poses governments the challenge to rationalize decision-making and urgently call them to coordinate their regulatory actions. As will be illustrated along the course, any model of risk regulation has to come to terms with issues such as: selecting the risks deserving regulatory attention, feeding the best scientific advice into decision-making, deciding in situations of scientific uncertainty, defining the role of non-scientific values, ensuring an open and participative form of decision- making, calculating the costs and benefits of regulation as well as their distributional and equity effects. As a result, optimization tools, such as economic analysis and sound science, dominate the risk regulatory process across the industrialized world and are spreading also among developing countries today. Yet - although on the rise - neither sound science nor economic analysis are saved from criticism. Case studies of global risk regulation are drawn from a broad range of issue areas, including food safety regulation, public health law, chemical regulation, aviation safety, international trade and lifestyle risks, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption. A special focus will be devoted to the important question of the role of science and technical expertise in reaching decisions about how to assess and manage global risks. Moreover, differences existing between EU and US risk regulation, due inter alia to diverging administrative and political cultures as well as risk perception systems, will be highlighted along the course. The ambition of the course is to provide an overview of the emerging field of Risk Regulation and Policy through the discussion of its main themes. This is a 6-week course provided to Master students at HEC Paris. | 0 Ratings | ||||
A podcast about health and fertility | 0 Ratings | ||||
Welcome to The Wilds of Reality Podcast, On this show we talk about History, psychology, Para-psychology, Para-Normal, Cryptozoology, and more, feel free to folow us on this strange journey into the wilds of reality | 0 Ratings | ||||
Noted astronomer Andrew Farknoi answers questions about the August 21 solar eclipse. Where can you see it? What's the safest way to watch it? What is going on during a solar eclipse? Why are they so rare? Why the kind of total eclipse we see on earth is a billion to one shot and rare among planets in the universe? Why some day the eclipse won't be total. Why does the eclipse path seem to move the opposite direction of the sun? What will happen and what won't happen. Where to get the special glasses you will need before and after totality. How do you explain an eclipse tell a kid. How do you explain eclipses with hula hoops? And much more. | 0 Ratings | ||||
我是一名熱愛寫作的健身教練! 我喜歡在社群媒體上分享自己對重量訓練的見解。 我擅長用全面的角度去看待訓練,訓練應該涵蓋運動科學、營養學、生物力學、生理學、心理學等等領域, 因為它們全部其實都是環環相扣在一起的,若要設計出真正能練出健康的課表,對這些學問精通是必備的。 我的目標是希望有朝一日,能讓全民都遠離慢性病和關節疼痛! 更多的文章和影片請關注我的 運動視界專欄:天母健身教練至賢 INSTAGRAM:wg101_frank 臉書粉絲專頁:world gym 101健身教練至賢Frank | 0 Ratings | ||||
Quintara and Tianna TuckerTwo biological sisters who live, breathe, and disseminate ABA.siss•yah /sis-yuh/ a term of endearment used to describe (or refer to) a relationship with a female; sister or close friend. 🤞🏽Follow us on Social Media!Website: https://www.abasissyahs.com/Instagram:ABA Sissyahs - @abasissyahsQuintara - @themysticalanalystTianna - @motivatedbx | 0 Ratings | ||||
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Mohan Dutta | 0 Ratings | ||||
This podcast is dedicated to sharing the importance of making positive change in the world through meeting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We share inspiring stories of organizations and individuals who are taking strides towards meeting these goals, and through these stories we hope to inspire you to take up the challenge as well. Join us in our mission to make a difference and create a better future for our planet.https://sdgs.un.org/goals | 0 Ratings | ||||
Science for the Culture aims to discuss scientific myths and call out cap.We're mythbussin' caps, one scientific fact at a time | 0 Ratings | ||||
Aah le sucre… il rime avec douceur, plaisir, fête, réconfort… et pourtant il est devenu l’ennemi public numéro un en matière de santé et d’alimentation. Dans cette série d’entretiens, des acteurs et actrices d’horizons variés nous racontent comment ils agissent à leur manière pour lutter contre la surconsommation de cet ingrédient dangereusement délicieux. Une série de trois entretiens documentaires proposée par Alexandra Pech pour l’Ecole urbaine de Lyon, en partenariat avec l’association Réseau Marguerite. Merci à Robert Lapassade et Thomas Balestrieri de Radio Anthropocène pour les références musicales et l’assistance technique. Merci à Julie Le Gall pour les conseils de mise en récit et merci à toustes les intervenant.es des émissions pour leurs témoignages. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Trăim intr-un context complex, ambiguu, volatil și incert, însă pretutindeni suntem bombardați cu răspunsuri clare, cu certitudini de neclintit, cu diagnostice definitive și de multe ori letale asupra societății noastre. Cine mai are timp să se întrebe? Și cine mai pune întrebări astăzi când toți se înghesuie să dea răspunsuri? Antropologia este o metodă de interogare a sinelui cultural, iar Alec Bălășescu o folosește în dialog cu invitații săi pentru a zgândări suprafața convențională a viziunii noastre asupra lumii. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Welcome to "Into the Kn/own/" – the podcast that will challenge the way you think about knowledge and its ownership. Host Emily Tsui takes her listeners on a journey behind the scenes of the volume "Ownership of Knowledge." In each bite-sized episode, she introduces one chapter from the book and delves into the captivating stories and real-life cases that fueled the research behind it.Join her as Emily explores how the "kn/own/able" concept comes to life in various fields, uncover the big questions that continue to intrigue researchers and gain fresh perspectives on our understanding of knowledge ownership - from genetics to ethnography, from education to copyright law, and from ancient Chinese history to museum heritage.Website: https://www.knownable.org | 0 Ratings | ||||
What is astronomy? What is our origin? Is there life elsewhere? Join two teenagers on an adventure through outer space, exploring our home, cosmic neighborhood, and beyond. Let the galactic exploration begin! | 0 Ratings | ||||
Ist Demokratie in der Krise? Wenn ja, woran würden wir das bemerken? Was ist ein „guter“ Staat und müssen wir über neue Definitionen davon nachdenken? Wie könnte Demokratie in der Zukunft aussehen? | 0 Ratings | ||||
The polar regions, inhospitable for many, inhabited by few yet captivating to humankind in a way that transcends any social constructs we have of a wild place. The Antarctic and Arctic are places few will ever travel to, however their importance on the world as we know it cannot be underestimated. Join Matt Allen, guide and naturalist with One Ocean Expeditions, for an adventure across these frozen landscapes and tumultuous seas as he explores the many facets that make these environments so captivating. From asking age old historical questions about the early explorers to getting up close and personal with wildlife in a Live from the Field episode, Polar Tales gives an entertainingly educational insight into all things polar. Ever wondered how an expedition ship runs? We have that covered with exclusive staff chats. Perhaps your curiosity lies in natural history and climate science, politics or governance. All is laid bare in this world expert led polar conversation. Season 1 - Antarctica. | 0 Ratings | ||||
Un espacio de Gobierno y Análisis Político AC para discutir, con especialistas y activistas, sobre las diversas tendencias globales que impactan la realidad latinoamericana y el estado de la democracia regional | 0 Ratings | ||||
CJC Podcast offers lively discussions on cutting-edge research. Want to gain context and insights into cutting-edge research published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC)? Be sure to tune into the CJC's monthly podcast for author interviews, research highlights and lively discussions on recent articles that are important, innovative or impactful for the cardiovascular community. | 0 Ratings |
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