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    O Museu de História Natural (MHN) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal) é um espaço de memória e pesquisa científica sobre o patrimônio natural e cultural de Alagoas. Acompanhe eventos, entrevistas e divulgação científica.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Podcast dedicado a ver las contribuciones y los errores de las industrias y del área médica en relación al uso de animales para la experimentación.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Rápida descrição da dengue

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Welcome to the C&R Research Podcast, where we bring you the latest updates on non-conventional energy solutions from our team of research scientists based in Australia.The podcast delves into the innovative solution that the company has developed to extract hydrogen & rare metals from seawater, removing the need for fossil fuels and saving 100% of the existing freshwater currently used in the process. C&R Research is a newly established UK company that specializes in non-conventional energy solutions, flood solutions, site selection, and environmental impact advice.The company is led by Directors/Principal Scientists Dr. Chris Cuff and Dr. Cecily Rasmussen, who are experts in various fields such as Spectral analyses, Hydrological and geochemical modeling, Contaminated water and soil remediation, Acid rock leaching, and Groundwater movement. They are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise with their listeners, with the aim of inspiring a new generation of environmental scientists and innovators.Listeners can expect to hear more about the latest developments in C&R Research's research into seawater sequestration and how desalination plants can eliminate their waste, and produce rare metals, hydrogen gas, and clean water, eliminating all waste from the process. The podcast also touches on the wider industry and the impact of non-conventional energy solutions on the environment.Join us on the C&R Research Podcast to learn more about non-conventional energy solutions, environmental impact advice, and the latest developments in our research into seawater sequestration.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Un ciclo de podcasts creado por la Red de Carbono, uno de los proyectos del programa Sistema Chacras de Aapresid que busca abordar demandas y desafíos relacionados a esta temática.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Team Talk is where the Washington Association of Conservation Districts captures conversations with conservation district folks, helping you get to know more about the great conservation programs and people in Washington State.

    ScienceNatural SciencesBusiness
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    Haloooo.. Podcast ini mungkin akan banyak membahas tentang ilmu pengetahuan atau film atau drama dll..

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Sou Victoria Gomide, estou aqui mais uma vez com vocês no nosso podcast CIÊNCIA TOP DAS GALÁXIAS, hoje para aprendermos mais sobre o universo vou entrevistar a nossa especialista no assunto Luiza Miranda. Ela vai nos explicar um pouco sobre o novo horizonte da Lua. Falando diretamente da NASA.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
    0 Ratings

    Podcast destinado a divulgação Científica no Ensino Médio, como produto educacional do Projeto de Iniciação Científica Júnior - PIBIC da Fundação de Ensino de Contagem das alunas Emilly Grinberg e Anna Karolina, do Curso de Química Industrial 👩🏼‍🔬👩🏼‍🔬👨🏼‍🔬👨🏼‍🔬, sob orientação da professora de Química Kênia Lea. 👩‍🏫👩‍🏫😎😎Titulo do Projeto: Podcast no ensino médio: aceitação e uso dos estudantes na divulgação científica e criação do PodFunec como recurso de ampliação do ensino-aprendizagem em Ciências.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Entrevista com profissionais da saúde, a fim de mapear aspectos antropológicos, culturais e etnográficos do sistema cultural de saúde. Realizada por alunos da Escola de Enfermagem da UFRGS.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Oooi, eu sou o juninho

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    En este podcast conocerás que es la contaminación del aire, cómo se genera,cómo pararla y sus causas y/o consecuencias

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Aluna Ingrid Lorena Soares Olívio- Pedagogia/polo Bequimão

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    COREE (Conversation Renewable Energy) Podcast merupakan salah satu program dari Komunitas Mahasiswa Energi Terbarukan Politeknik Negeri Jember. COREE Podcast membawakan berbagai cerita, peristiwa, dan diskusi seputar energi terbarukan secara umum dan lingkup prodi Teknik Energi Terbarukan khususnya. Dengarkan suara kami dan kami akan membawa Anda bersama kami melalui kehidupan yang penuh gejolak sebagai mahasiswa Teknik Energi Terbarukan.KOMETTerus Berkarya!

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Welcome to Teddy Talks, a podcast about utter shite. Join Teddy, a curious kid who watches too much YouTube, as he tries to enlighten his father and sister with his dubious knowledge of the world. From history to science, from politics to pop culture, Teddy has an opinion on everything - even if it's completely wrong. Listen to his hilarious attempts to explain the facts, and enjoy the reactions of his bemused family. Teddy Talks is a comedy podcast that will make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even learn something new

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    TechnologySoftware How-toScience Medicine
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    The Queens of Green is a weekly radio show hosted by Deborah Koons Garcia and Temra Costa featuring interviews with fascinating individuals who are changing things for the better.

    ScienceMedicineNatural Sciences
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    Themen rund um die Erzeugung, Verteilung und Nutzung von Energie sind Bestandteil des Podcasts der Energie-Fakten. Behandelt werden die Themen elektrische Energie, Wärme und auch Mobilität. Nach einer Selbstdarstellung in der ersten Ausgabe, behandelt die zweite Ausgabe das Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung. In der dritten Ausgabe gibt Prof. Dr. Popp den Startschuss für den Themenbereich Elektromobilität. In der fünften Ausgabe zeigt Dr. Stemmermann, wie der durch die Zementherstellung bedingte CO2-Ausstoss gesenkt werden könnte. Die sechste Folge befasst sich mit der Schweizer Energiewende. In der siebten Folge sind die Energie-Fakten zu Gast im Wasserstoff-Labor des KIT. Mit den Folgen der bevorzugten Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energien befasst sich die achte Folge. Der Podcast erscheint in loser Reihenfolge.

    ScienceMedicineNatural Sciences
    0 Ratings

    Podcast realizado por Rayana Sthefany de Almeida Ruben Costa

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Hosted by Whitney Lewis. Exploring local conservation careers in Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries, Soil Science, Conservation Law Enforcement, Agriculture and more. Discover what conservation is, and why it is important as we look toward the future.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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    Podcast ini meliputi apa pengertian dari TIK dan juga apa saja fasilitas fasilitas yang diberikan TIK pada Ekonomi pertanian, serta bagaimana dampak yang diberikan jika kita mengelolanya dengan baik.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
    0 Ratings

    Episódio sobre respiração celular, produzido pelos estudantes: Gustavo Amaral, Lilia Silva, Irsla Marques e Larissa Correia. Do curso de Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas - UFES.

    ScienceNatural Sciences
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