Deirdre assembles a studio audience for a pivotal musical event. Created and written by Jacquelyn Landgraf. Co-directed by Jacquelyn Landgraf and Anya Saffir. Sound design and engineering by Vincent Cacchione. Original music composed by Nate W
Dr. Amee Baird World Science Festival - An interview specifically commissioned for the World Science Festival's debut in Brisbane, Australia. Reece Jackson Interviews Dr. Amee Baird, a clinical neurobiologist who is currently researching the al
Music is a powerful memory aid. That's why you can recite the lyrics of a song from years ago but struggle to remember where you put your keys. Even dementia patients respond to music when other memories are lost.
This week, the World Service marked World Alzheimer's Day with a BBC Music and Memory project, exploring the power of music to reach sufferers with the disease. It launched a website of global tracks to trigger memories, compiled with the hel
“Part of our lives are lived on social media and part are lived in our heart and in the real world. The discrepancy between the two often makes people miserable.” – Aaron HamburgerIn this episode of Deviate, Rolf and Aaron discuss identifying
Slowly, inevitably, Alzehimer's disease robs a person of their memories. Not just everyday memories--like where to find keys or a wallet--but more profound ones, like the names and faces of loved ones. Right now, there's no cure. But one pair o
Alan Dienstag is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City and Westchester County. This interview is edited and produced with music and other features in the On Being episode “Alan Dienstag — Alzheimer’s and the Spiritual Ter