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Kathy Tu

Kathy Tu

Kathy TuKathy Tu
Kathy Tu

Kathy Tu

Kathy Tu is an audio producer. Currently, she is senior executive producer of "99% Invisible."Previously, Tu was head of production for Wondery Media. Before that, she was a supervising producer for the New York Times. Before that, she was at New York Public Radio, where she created, co-hosted, and produced the "Nancy" podcast.Tu received her B.A. in International Development Studies from the University of California Los Angeles, her M.A. in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law and Graduate School, and her J.D. from Northeastern University.
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Creator Details

New York, New York, United States
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
3d, 11h
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This is a podcast creator profile for Kathy Tu. This page showcases all of Kathy Tu's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Kathy Tu's new podcast credits.

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