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Alexandra Leigh Young

Alexandra Leigh Young

Producer & Editor of The Daily & Producer & Reporter on Radiolab
Alexandra Leigh Young

Alexandra Leigh Young

Alexandra Leigh Young

Alexandra Leigh Young

Producer & Editor of The Daily & Producer & Reporter on Radiolab
Alexandra Leigh Young is an author and producer. Currently, she is the producer of The New York Times's "The Daily" podcast.After graduating from college, Young moved to New York City and ran an audio post-production house called Explosion Robinson where she produced music and sound design for TV shows and video games. In 2014 she began an artist residency in South Korea, which inspired her novel, "Idol Gossip," which was published in 2021.Young received her B.A. in Psychology and Theater Production from the University of California Berkeley.
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New York, New York, United States
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1mo, 2w
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